Thursday, January 12, 2012

Not much of a Blogger but now a photographer

So here we are the second blog of many. My progress into this new realm is a mystery where I am not even sure of what to say or do when you blog.

I guess its trying to portray a story of the truths in the days, weeks, and months. Maybe a book for the future -pause- .... yeah right!

Actually, my motivation presently is to present my photography from my mind within so as to to let you feel the moments as I capture them. Yes this is the new Kid Mix now a freelance photographer: with no true meaning in the word free! Just free for me actually with the Passion that I have for everything in that moment, and keeping it as a historical peace of memorabilia.

The camera injection into my blood I think happened ages ago, just because I loved capturing the moments I want to remember. Simply put, then the real seriousness actually hit me about 3 years ago when I invested in my 1st high end canon G9 to document my twin sons birth then in 2011 I stepped it up to my 2nd Canon, my baby the 60D.

And there you go, the rest is HISTORY IN THE MAKING....

Today, at this moment in blogging, let me just leave you with one of my 1st MAGICAL & COLORFUL snapshots of my "TWIX" taken a few weeks after I got my camera


Thursday, September 17, 2009

ITs 1 Year Already

From the birth to the days in the ICU. Home for the 1st time and all the crying thru the nights.
Sitting up, rolling then crawling and falling off the sofa and the bed, and giving me heart attacks.

Wow, my boys are now 1 year and I cant believe 1 year has gone by so fast!
We had a birthday party for them on the 5th of Sept. and they had so much fun running, well maybe more crawling around. They were surprisingly friendly with everyone at the party and hardly cried, to which I am still amazed. THanks again to everyone for coming and helping us to make this 1st birthday most memorable. Mostly thanks for all the help in this the most scariest year I ever had. Watching over 2 little premature boys straight out of the NICU ward was never at anytime easy, but with all the support I got from family and friends made it so much more comfortable. Love all of you so!!

Twix: the nickname given to them seems to stick with them more & more, and I feel blessed everyday more and more as they are now getting into everything. Yep, also more spanking to come as they watch us touch, open, move and hide things. Learning is everything they do even when we are not trying to teach them anything. What an adventure, and I am loving every minute of it. I must say the happiest time of my day is to come home and enter the front door and as those eyes catch a glimpse of me, they jump and scream and their faces light up with excitement when they see daddy. No feeling is that satisfying even on the worst day.
I love my new life as a father, and I know that proud dad feeling that goes thru every parents heart now more everyday.